./check.cgi & ./hnc.cgi & ./***.cgi ???

bunlar mail spam gateway proxy olarak kullanilan seyler.

abuse edilen bir php script vs ile servera yuklenip run ediliyorlar

run edildikten sonra da dosya siliniyor ve bulunmaz bir hale geliyor

serverdan bulup silmek icin en kolay yonem

#grep -r “check.cgi” /var/log/proftpd/.




locate .pl diyip 2332832683276.pl diye bir dosya aramak da olabilir sonuclarda.


I think one of your domains in the server is hacked.. Can you do a grep -i hnc.cgi /var/log/messages got any results ?

if you didn’t got any results do this too..

zgrep -i hnc.cgi /var/log/messages.*.gz

also check if any hnc.cgi files is there in the server using find

cd /home; find -name “hnc.cgi” -type f

Any results ?

Somehow one of your ftp account/domain is hacked and it’s used to upload hnc.cgi or check.cgi script and they start running it… After running this script usually it will be deleted and hence you may not find this script if you use locate/find command. So the best way to check which account got hacked is to check the pattern hnc.cgi in the ftp logs..

After verifying the logs you may clearly see that it’s uploaded and removed after running that script.

yes hnc.cgi is used to send spams. If you find any patterns of hnc.cgi in /var/log/messages immediately you change the password for the account and ftp accounts..

Also just verify the files uploaded checking the logs and make sure the hacker didn’t modified your webfiles..

Hi all,

I had some issues with line drawing when accessing my linux box from work. I found the following workaround in this site:

To make it all work right, you need to twiddle the following configuration settings:

Terminal → Keyboard:

Change the sequences sent by: The Functions keys and Keypad:
Select Linux.

Window → Appearance:

Font settings:
Pick a font that contains the Unicode line drawing characters, such as Andale Mono or Lucida Console. (Unfortunately Vista’s gorgeous new Consolas font does not have those.)

Window → Translation:

Character set translation on received data:
Select UTF-8.
Adjust how PuTTY handles line drawing characters:
Select Use Unicode line drawing code points.

Connection → Data:

Terminal details: Terminal-type string:
Enter “linux”.

Now line drawing characters should show up as they are supposed to.


I also had do the following:
Terminal -> Features
check – Disable bidirectional text display

to get aptitude running correctly

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
perl -pi -e ‘s/clean_old_webapps=no/clean_old_webapps=yes/’ options.conf
./build clean
./build roundcube

Centos 5.2 kurmak ve duzenli guncellemek istedigim 1u bir serverim var.

Serverim Intel s5000vcl anakarti ile ustunde 6 Gb ecc registered buffeered ddr2 rame sahip

intel xeon 5310 quad core cpusu ile guclendirilmis durumda.

Bu anakart ustunde LSI1064e chipsetine sahip bir SAS kontrolcusu bulunmakta.

Yapmak istedigim Intelin kendi SAS Raid ini kullanarak 3×73 GB 15k Rpm Seagate SAS disklerimi RAID 0 olarak calistirmak.

Ancak nedense Intel inatla Centos / Redhat 5.2 icin bir turlu x86_64 driverlarini cikartmadi.

http://downloadcenter.intel.com u 1 ay boyunca hergun ziyaret etmeme ragmen bir cozum bulamamaktan sikayet ediyordum.

Sonra cozumun zaten uzun zamandir onumde durdugunu farkettim.


1- Redhat / Centos 5.1 icin intelin cikardigi SAS driverlari indirilir.

ve centos 5.2 x86_64 kurulumu normal bir sekilde yapilir.

Boot ettikden sonra linux dd dememiz ve indirdigimiz driveri USB floppy imiz ile yuklememiz gerek.

Centos driver bulamadim falan desede Intel MEGASR yuklendi yazarsa ekranda isleme devam edilir.

2- Raid0 seklinde disklerimize default 5.1 kurulumu yapildikdan sonra

yum -y update ile sistem 5.2 ye terfi ettirilir.

3- Makinamiz reboot ettikten sonra – update sonrasi yukledigimiz degil  default 5.1 kernelimiz ile acmaliyiz –

Reboot dan sonra asagidaki adimlar yapilir


megasr modulu yeni yerine kopyalanir – not kernel numaralari eskidir yenisine gore duzenleyin.

cp -r /lib/modules/2.6.18-8.el5/updates /lib/modules/2.6.18-8.1.15.el5/
Depmod calistirilir
depmod -a 2.6.18-8.1.15.el5
yeni bir boot imaji olusturulur.
update sonrasi gelen yeni img yi /boot altindan silip yeniden olusturuyoruz
mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.6.18-8.1.15.el5.img 2.6.18-8.1.15.el5
Reboot ve yeni kernelimiz ile centos 5.2 miz calismaya hazir.
Gule gule kullaniniz.

Ayni seyi bu makina ustune kurmayi dusundugum hypervm ile openvz kernelindede deneyecegim az sonra.
Calisacagindan eminim...
Centos forumlarina tesekkurler :)


Create An Image
dd if=/dev/sda | gzip > /mnt/sdb1/sda.img.gz

Restore An Image
gzip -dc /mnt/sdb1/sda.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sda


Not: resim Teb.com.tr sitesinden alintidir. Tum haklari kendilerine aittir 🙂

if the message is frozen

exim -bpru|grep frozen|awk {'print $3'}|xargs exim -Mrm

if the message is <>

exim -bpru|grep '<>'|awk {'print $3'}|xargs exim -Mrm

if all

exim -bpru|awk {'print $3'}|xargs exim -Mrm

cd romu olmayan servera centos kurmak icin usb flash stick hazirlamak

1- http://www.chrysocome.net/dd

adresinden dd.exe nin en son surumu indirilir

2- http://mirror.centos.org/centos/5.1/os/x86_64/images/

adresinden diskboot.img dosyasi indirilir

3- USB disk bilgisayara takilir

4- cmd ile dd.exe nin bulundugu dizine gidilir

dd –list denerek usb diskin nerede mount edilmis oldugu bulunur.

5- asagidaki ornekde usb disk c: de mount edilmis.

buna gore diskboot.img dosyamizi c: de bulunan usb diskimize yazalim.

dd if=diskboot.img of=\\.\C: –progress