logwatch lutfen exim loglarini parse etmesin cani cikiyor makinanin :)

logwatch lutfen exim loglarini parse etmesin cani cikiyor makinanin 🙂

nano /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf

ctrl+w , exim

alta yaz :

Service = “-eximstats” # Prevents execution of eximstats service, which
# is a wrapper for the eximstats program.
Service = “-exim” #exim loglari allahaskina inceleme pls. 25.08.2010

# If you only cared about FTP messages, you could use these 2 lines

servisler nerede?



yukariya ekledigim kod ile umarim logwatch exim loglarini umursamayacak 🙂