socks 4/5 proxy using erlang? Erlang ne ulan?
What is Erlang?
Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft real-time systems with requirements on high availability. Some of its uses are in telecoms, banking, e-commerce, computer telephony and instant messaging. Erlang’s runtime system has built-in support for concurrency, distribution and fault tolerance.
apt-get install erlang-base
tar zxvf Socks2.tar.gz; rm -f Socks2.tar.gz; cd Socks2
# edit socks.erl -> 'start() -> start(4, 8899).' -> 4 - thread, 8899 - port
kodu inceledim okudum anladigim kadariyla pek guzel kod, zararsiz isini yapiyor.
ama daha fazla detaya ihtiyacim var..
auth mekanizmasi yokmu bunun yahu?