Huawei E353 HILINK modem ( nam-i diger Turkcell VINN)

Huawei E353 HILINK modem ( nam-i diger Turkcell VINN)

bu 3g usb stick modem pek guzel

takiyorsun pc ye

direk kendisi nat yapiyor

kendi ip adresini veriyor

bu adresde bir websitesi calistiriyor

baglandigi pc de bir usb ethernet karti olusturup ip veriyor

sikir sikir NAT uzerinden nete giriyor.


ben bu modemi uzak masaustu yapmak icin kullanmak istiyorum

Ancak bu modda iken salak NAT hic bir sekilde port forwarding vs vs yapamiyor.

Bu durumda Uzunca suren arastirmalardan sonra

asagidaki dokumana rasladim. Bir amca HILINK firmwareini dump etmis

oradan bir baskasida dokumani yazmis

kisaca modemin nat olarak calismasini degil direk DIAL UP PPP yapmasini sagliyoruz

su sekildedir dokuman

bu E3131 den bahsediyor ancak ayni sey E353 icinde calisiyor.


Huawei E3131 – Disabling HiLink and turning into a dialup modem.

For a while been searching for the holy grail of disabling HiLink and reverting my new Huawei E3131 dongles back to the dialup modem based operation of previous dongles.

First step is to enable the serial console. To do this plug in your dongle and visit the following webpage

The modem will now restart and present a couple of serial interfaces instead.

Connect to the fist of the two interfaces, eg /dev/ttyUSB0 with a Baud rate of 9600bps using a terminal client of your choice. I used minicom, which is available in most distros repos. And type the modem the following command.


If this is succesful it will respond with OK.
This will cause the device to permamently function in modem mode when plugged in. To restore its HiLink functionality. Do the same and send the following command instead.


Once the device has had its mode changed in this way. It requires removing and plugging back in to take effect.

Operating in modem mode it will change its product ID and should look like this (lsusb)

Bus 001 Device 082: ID 12d1:1c05 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. E173s 3G broadband stick (modem on)

If you don’t have the virtual tty’s created upon device insertion. Then manually bind it too the option module like follows (As root obviously)

echo “12d1 1c05″ > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option1/new_id

From there you can dial out as accustomed using the first created virtual tty. eg, /dev/ttyUSB0




1-  modemi tak

2- bu sayfayi ac modem reboot edip usb baglanti noktalari olusturacak

3- bu noktalara telnet ile baglan baud rate 9600

4- bu konutu calistir AT^U2DIAG=0

5- modem PPP dial UP modem oldu bitti

6- sok tak dial up baglanti olustur baglan

7- eski haline cevirmekmi istiyorsun gene telnet eyle





yanitini al

oldu bitti modem gene nat yapar.


Tesekkurler VINN 🙂





Bir seyi farkettim, Turkcell default APN Internet ile baglandiginda dial up olarak eskisi gibi Reel internet Ip adresi vermiyor

Oda nat yapiyor diye bir blokdan ip veriyor

seni nat uzerinden cikartiyor.

Ama benim 3g modemimde sabit ipim var , parasini oduyorum

188.x.x.x diye bir ip. Modemi standart NAT haline getirip baglan dedigimde 3g statik olarak bu ipide goruyorum

simdi bu ipi PPP dialup esnasinda nasil pcme tanimlarim o kaldi.

Onuda yaparsam oldu bu is demektir 🙂