Building Play Lists

Play Lists are great. Your station can support many kinds of players by creating and deploying play lists to your loudcity custom content area. Not only that, your play lists can tell the player to do things like:

-Connect to the Broadband stream
-Is The Broadband stream full? Then connect to the dialup stream

Below are examples for these popular playlist formats:

.PLS (Winamp,Real, iTunes)
.ASX (Windows Media Player)
.RAM (Real Player)
You can create playlist files with any text editor, like Notepad. After you create a playlist, upload it to your Custom Content folder at LoudCity and link to it from your custom paunch page.

We hope you find these samples helpful.

.PLS (WinAmp, iTunes)
For the most part, WinAmp will respond to .PLS files. iTunes and Real Player also will if configured to do so. Windows Media Player will, but generally speaking, WindowsMedia player can’t play SHOUTcast streams this way. More on Windows Media Player support later.

Sample filename: myplaylist.pls
Sample URL: http://www.myserver/myplaylist.pls
Play List Contents:

Title1=My Station –
Title2=My Station –

When the player loads this play list, it will first attempt to connect to the Broadband stream. If the Broadband stream is unavailable then the player will connect to the Dialup stream.

You can also put an intro track in the play list. This would be played when a listener first connects to your station (“You are listening to….My Station”).

Title1=My Station –
Title2=My Station –
Title3=My Station –

.ASX (Windows Media Player)
.ASX files are a great way to get Windows Media Player to stream Windows Media streams, or SHOUTcast streams. Important: do not add the traditional /listen.pls to the end of your SHOUTcast URL. Windows Media Palyer doesn’t like this.

Sample filename: broadband.asx
Sample URL: http://www.myserver/broadband.asx
Play List Contents:

When the player loads this play list, it will first attempt to connect to the Broadband stream. If the Broadband stream is unavailable then the player will connect to the Dialup stream.

You’ll also notice you can give your radio show and the different streams a friendly name for Windows Media Player to display.

Windows Media Player & SHOUTcast:

Getting Windows Media player to stream SHOUTcast sources is easy. You simply follow the same format above, but put the URL’s to your SHOUTcast sources in the tags.

.RAM (Real/RealOne Player)
.RAM files are used to launch the Real player. Real player works very will with SHOUTcast streams. RAM files can be very minimalistic.

Sample filename: broadband.ram
Sample URL: http://www.myserver/broadband.asx
Play List Contents:


When the player loads this play list, it will first attempt to connect to the Broadband stream. If the Broadband stream is unavailable then the player will connect to the Dialup stream.]]>

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