LEAPP ile centos7 lerimizi Almalinux 8 e yukseltelim mi ?


sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo https://el7.repo.almalinux.org/centos/CentOS-Base.repo
sudo yum upgrade -y
sudo reboot


sudo yum install -y http://repo.almalinux.org/elevate/elevate-release-latest-el$(rpm --eval %rhel).noarch.rpm


sudo yum install -y leapp-upgrade leapp-data-almalinux


leapp preupgrade

Burada cesitli olaylar olacak oncelikle sirayla bunlari yapalim

sudo rmmod pata_acpi
echo PermitRootLogin yes | sudo tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo leapp answer --section remove_pam_pkcs11_module_check.confirm=True

sonra kernel devel cok var dedi eski kernelleri silelim

yum install yum-utils
package-cleanup --oldkernels --count=1

sonra gene hata verdi bir sunucuda vermemesi gerekirdi
bunlari yaptim

 Title: Leapp detected loaded kernel drivers which have been removed in RHEL 8. Upgrade cannot proceed. Summary: Support for the following RHEL 7 device drivers has been removed in RHEL 8:

lsmod | grep -q pata_acpi && rmmod pata_acpi
lsmod | grep -q floppy && rmmod floppy

sonra python3 eyvah dedi

alternatives - set python /usr/bin/python3

ya da buda olabilir ki oldu

Leapp upgrade error caused by important modules from kernel drivers

cp /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img.backup
dracut -N -f
dracut -f --regenerate-all


  leapp upgrade


sorunsuz biterse eger kontrol et

cat /etc/redhat-release
cat /etc/os-release
uname -a


reboot ettik network kartinin adi degisti.
nmtui ile yeni karta ip tanimladiktan sonra
directadmin.conf icinden ens18 yaptik mesela calisti bla bla.

sonrasinda kontrol hersey calisiyor gibi...


  1. Head to the IP2Location Firewall IP list tool.
  2. Select the country you want to block or allow.
  3. Choose between IPv4 and IPv6 in the IP Version menu.
  4. Choose the format in the Output Format menu. The choice depends on whether you want to block or allow visitors from those countries.
  5. Click Download.


# Set the input file and command
COMMAND="/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin admin-backup --destination=/home/admin/admin_backups/$

# Read the users from the file
while IFS= read -r username; do
  # Run the command for each user
  ${COMMAND} --user=${username}
done < "${INPUT_FILE}"



llama3 latest yazdi
conversation su sekilde calisti:


help me create a bash script where the command is /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin admin-backup –destination=/home/admin/admin_backups –user=testuser1 –user=testuser2 –user=testuser3 testuser1 testuser2 testuser3 lines are read from an external text file each on its own line


Here is a bash script that reads the usernames from an external text file and runs the command for each user:


# Set the input file and command
COMMAND="/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin admin-backup --destination=/home/admin/admin_backups"

# Read the users from the file
while IFS= read -r username; do
  # Run the command for each user
  ${COMMAND} --user=${username}
done < "${INPUT_FILE}"

Let me explain what’s going on:

  1. The first line, #!/bin/bash, specifies the interpreter that should be used to run the script.
  2. We set the input file (users.txt) and command (COMMAND variable) at the top of the script.
  3. The while loop reads each line from the input file using IFS= read -r username. The -r option tells read to treat backslashes as literal characters, rather than interpreting them as escape sequences. This is important if your usernames contain special characters.
  4. Inside the loop, we run the command for each user by concatenating the COMMAND variable with the --user= parameter and the current username.

To use this script, simply create a file called users.txt in the same directory as the script, with one username per line:


Then, make the script executable by running chmod +x scriptname.sh, and then run it by typing ./scriptname.sh.

Note: Make sure to replace users.txt with the actual path to your input file if it’s located elsewhere.

tarih 4 ekim 24

# Switching / updating PHP versions

Make a backup

    tar czvf ~/domain-conf-backup.tgz /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/**/domains/*.conf

Force PHP to be version 1 if no default is set

    grep -rF -L php1_select /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/**/domains/*.conf | xargs sed -i.step1 '$ a php1_select=1'

Change new version to temporary position

    grep -rF -l 'php1_select=3' /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/**/domains/*.conf | xargs sed -i.step2 's/^php1_select=3/php1_select=31/'

Change old version to old position

    grep -rF -l 'php1_select=1' /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/**/domains/*.conf | xargs sed -i.step3 's/^php1_select=1/php1_select=3/'

Change new version to new position

    grep -rF -l 'php1_select=31' /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/**/domains/*.conf | xargs sed -i.step4 's/^php1_select=31/php1_select=1/'

Adjust PHP versions inside custombuild


Rewrite config files

    cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild && ./build rewrite_confs

konsoldan sunucu saatini , php saatini ve mariadb saatini tek komutla kontrol edelim.

cat /usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf

# date ; php -r "echo date('r').PHP_EOL;" ; mysql -u da_admin -p -e "SELECT NOW();"

[root@zubuk ~]# cat /usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf 
[root@zubuk ~]# date ; php -r "echo date('r').PHP_EOL;" ; mysql -u da_admin -p -e "SELECT NOW();"
Tue Sep 10 11:25:06 +03 2024
Tue, 10 Sep 2024 11:25:06 +0300
Enter password: 
| NOW()               |
| 2024-09-10 11:25:15 |
[root@zubuk ~]# 

peki ya sunucuda bulunan diger php ?

[root@zubuk ~]# date ; /usr/local/php82/bin/php -r "echo date('r').PHP_EOL;" ; mysql -u da_admin -p -e "SELECT NOW();"
Tue Sep 10 11:31:42 +03 2024
Tue, 10 Sep 2024 11:31:42 +0300
Enter password: 
| NOW()               |
| 2024-09-10 11:31:52 |
[root@zubuk ~]# 

3 php var sistemde diyelim

1- php 8.3
2- php 7.4
3- php 5.6

hangi kullanici hangi php surumunu kullaniyor?

egrep php[1,2,3,4]_select= /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/*/domains/*.conf

listede cikan 2 ise 7.4, 3 ise 5.6, hic bir sey cikmaz ise 8.3

8.3 icin user.conf icinde veri yok demekki cunku default php, degistiriledi ise kayit olmaz

centos 7 oldu

yum calismiyo 404 ,



centos vault da var , ama vault nedir ya ? en azindan mevcut centos 7 den bir kere son kez guncellensin

vaulta elle ayar cekmek istemiyorum

alma sagolsun tutuyor son kopyasini

ne iyi insanlar

sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo https://el7.repo.almalinux.org/centos/CentOS-Base.repo
sudo yum upgrade -y

sonra hatta elevate servisi var centos 7 den alma linux 8 veya 9 a gecmek icin

ancak sunucular directadmin

daha once yapan yokmu nedir nedir?


nano blockla

iptables -A INPUT -s $1 -j DROP
iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables

ctrl+x y

chmod +x blokla

./blokla ip veya subnet

iptables -L

te amk bebe seyleriyle ugrasiyoz.

Host serverName
    User userOnServer
    Port 22
    IdentityFile ~/path/to/key